Tom & Jerry

Quick Facts

Cocktail History

You don’t have to wait for the holidays to enjoy this lush cocktail. But you will need to prepare the Tom & Jerry batter, which combines eggs, vanilla, rum and sugar. The Tom & Jerry is a traditional Christmas-time celebratory cocktail that has been attribute to Pierce Egan, a British writer who introduced the drink back in the 1820’s. The drink’s name is a reference to Egan’s book, Life in London, or The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn Esq. and his Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom. It combines two of the most popular spirits of its time: cognac and rum. he Tom & Jerry cocktail is made with aged rum, cognac, sugar and an array of spices, including nutmeg for a cozy winter spice flavor. Despite rum and cognac being amongst the more expensive spirits of the day, Tom & Jerry was widely accessible. This style of drink has been passed down through generations to become a favorite at holiday gatherings – with Tom & Jerry typically being served as a warm punch-style drink or eggnog-like concoction and enjoyed by all ages!


  • 1 oz Dark Rum
  • 1 oz Cognac
  • 1 tablespoon Tom & Jerry batter*
  • Whole milk, hot, to top
  • Garnish: Freshly grated nutmeg
  • Garnish: Ground Cloves and Allspice

Cocktail Preparation

Rinse a small coffee mug (or white ceramic Tom & Jerry cup) with boiling water to warm it, then discard the water. Add the rum, cognac and batter into the cup and top with hot milk. Garnish with a mixture of 2 parts freshly grated nutmeg to 1 part each ground clove and ground allspice.

*TOM & JERRY BATTER: Separate 12 egg yolks and whites and set aside. In a nonreactive bowl, whip the egg whites with 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar until stiff peaks form. In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with 2 pounds of sugar, 2 ounces Jamaican dark rum and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. When the yolk mixture is completely combined, gently fold it into the egg white mixture. Keep refrigerated.

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